Principles of working with your data (GDPR)

We are the company MARKLINE, Ltd. We operate an e-shop on the website We process certain personal data to provide the sale of goods and the operation of our website.

The processing of personal data is governed in particular by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation). personal data) ("GDPR")

I. Processing of personal data

a) Processing of personal data in case of using the contact form

If you request our products and services, we will work with the contact details you provide, especially through the inquiry form. These are: newsletter subscription, contact form.

For what reason?

We will contact you through them to agree on further measures regarding goods and services.

For what legal reason?

This is processing under Article 6 (2). 1 letter b) GDPR - negotiation of the contract, resp. take pre-contractual measures at your request.

How long will we process personal data?

If we do not cooperate further, we will process your data for a maximum of 120 months from our last communication.

b) Processing of personal data in case of purchase

If you buy from us, we will work with the data you fill in. These are mainly billing data: name, surname, address.

For what reason?

We need to process personal data in order to fulfill our contract - to deliver you our goods. Through your contact details, we will also communicate with you about the status of your order, or regarding complaints or your questions.

We will further process personal data in order to fulfill our obligations arising from the law (especially for accounting and tax purposes, or to handle complaints and others.

For what legal reason do we process personal data?

This is processing under Article 6 (2). 1 letter b) GDPR - performance of the contract and Art. 1 letter c) GDPR - fulfillment of our legal obligation.

How long will we process personal data?

During the performance of our service and subsequently 120 months from the last provision of such service or delivery of goods.

c) Newsletters

If you are a purchasing customer and you did not prohibit us from making a purchase, we will use your e-mail address to receive our news.

For what legal reason?

It allows us to mouth. § 7 par. 3 of Act no. 480/2004 Coll. about some information society services, unless you forbade us to do so at the time of purchase.

How long will we process personal data?

10 years since last purchase. You can cancel the subscription at any time by e-mail or contact us by e-mail:

II. Who will get the data?

Your data will remain with us.

The company involved in the dispatch of goods SPS SLOVAKIA, s.r.o.

The company involved in the dispatch of payments to KROS, a.s.

We only process personal data within the European Union.

III. What else you should know

In our company, we have appointed a person responsible for personal data protection.

In our company, decisions are not made on the basis of automated processing or profiling.

If you have any questions regarding your personal data, contact us by e-mail: or call +421 903 468 013.

IV.Your rights in connection with the processing of personal data

The GDPR Regulation gives you, among other things, the right to contact us and want information that we process your personal data, request access to this data from us and have it updated or corrected, or request processing restrictions, you can request a copy of processed personal data, request from us in certain situations the deletion of personal data and in certain cases you have the right to their transferability. There may be an objection to processing based on a legitimate interest.

If you think we are not handling the data correctly, you can file a complaint with the Data Protection Office or take your claims to court.

These conditions are effective from 1.1.2018.